Re: impossible vs. impractical

Mike O'Connor (
Wed, 10 May 1995 11:57:06 -0400 (EDT)

:> > But according to current physics, there is a finite amount of total
:> > energy in the Universe,
:> You've proven the Universe is closed then, and non-inflationary to
:> boot? You are better than I suspected, Dr. Cohen.
:Thank you, but I have not done any such thing - this is only the most
:widely accepted current view of physics - the big bang theory.  A finite
:explosion - of enormous magnitude, etc.  but finite nonetheless.

My god, can't you two keep this crap out of the mailing lists?  This
verbal masturbation, talking just to hear yourself talk, is fine as
long as we don't have to read it!   While bugs may be big bangs to
some, you're taking it a bit too far!  (I swear one of these days,
my "d"-for-delete key will wear out from all this clutter... geez!)

On a more related note, anyone poked around with HP-UX 10.0 for 
security issues unique to 10.0?

 Michael J. O'Connor                 Internet: (email address)
 InterNIC WHOIS: MJO        (WWW homepage)

"I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal."                  -Calvin